Why Are Teen Drivers More Prone to Car Accidents?

Research has shown over the years that teenage drivers can contribute to auto accidents due to several different factors. Why teens are more at risk when driving can be a bit of a mystery, but there are some common causes that may uncover why they are at a greater risk of being involved in a car accident. Understanding what causes these accidents can help parents better prepare their teenagers so that they can avoid them when they get behind the wheel.

At NBF Accident Law, our auto accident attorneys in Washington can help you file a car accident claim if you have been a victim of a car accident involving a teen driver. Our attorneys will work tirelessly on your behalf to ensure you get the compensation you deserve so you can recover.

Why Are Teens More at Risk Driving?

Having teenage drivers on the road in Washington can result in a greater risk for them as well as other drivers on the road. Although this isn’t always the case, teenagers do tend to drive in a more reckless manner, which can contribute to a greater tendency towards getting into auto accidents. Why this occurs is very dependent on each individual situation but there are a few things that are common denominators in teen car accidents.

Lack of Experience

Getting a driver’s license is quite a simple process that usually involves a written test as well as a driving test. Because of this, teenage drivers may not necessarily have the real life experience they need to safely navigate Washington state roadways on their own.

Some teens may have driving anxiety or they may not receive the amount of lessons they need to feel completely confident behind the wheel. A lack of experience can contribute to why teens are more at risk when driving. They may not respond as quickly or they may break certain rules, which can put other drivers at risk.


Teen drivers are also notorious for driving while distracted since they usually aren’t as focused as they should be when they get behind the wheel. Distractions can take various forms, such as using their phone while they are driving, programming a GPS, eating and drinking, or interacting with a friend.

Distracted driving is extremely dangerous for everyone on the road since it can result in a variety of auto accidents. These types of accidents can often result in head-on collisions, which can result in detrimental damages.

Driving Under the Influence

Driving under the influence, whether it is a teen or an adult, is a serious offense in Washington. Teenagers may be more tempted to do this if they do not fully understand how dangerous this is or comprehend just how inebriated they may be.

Driving under the influence can include the influence of alcohol, marijuana, drugs, and different types of medications. Any one of these things can result in the driver having a slower response time as well as having difficulty focusing on the road and navigating the vehicle. Driving under the influence can also result in teenagers falling asleep at the wheel.

What Percentage of Car Accidents Are Caused by Teenage Drivers?

There is an abundance of research and car accident statistics for teenage drivers. Unfortunately, statistics for teenage driving accidents are quite high, and in 2022, 5339 people died in collisions involving at least one young driver.

Research also shows that although there are fewer instances of teens drinking and driving than adults, they are more likely to have an accident if they have been drinking. Male drivers also make up a more significant percentage of teen crash fatalities, while the leading cause of death for female teens between the ages of 13 and 19 years old in 2020 was the result of motor vehicle accidents.

Consequences For Teen Drivers in Washington State

Washington state has several rules for teenage drivers designed to keep them and other drivers safer. The main rule is that drivers under the age of 18 have to have an intermediate driver’s license, which is a driver’s license that requires a teenager to meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 16 years old.
  • Have a learner permit for six months.
  • Have passed the knowledge and driving test.
  • Have passed the driver’s education course.
  • Have not been convicted of an alcohol or drug-related offense in the past six months.
  • Have not committed an infraction for the six months they have had their permit.
  • Have had a parent, employer, or guardian who has completed 50 hours of supervised driving time with them, with 10 hours being completed at night.

There are also restrictions that limit when young drivers can be out and there are stern consequences for any rule violations. Teenagers who violate these rules repeatedly will get a license suspension. Once the teenager turns 18 years old, they can get a normal driver’s license and will not have to adhere to the rules for intermediate driver’s license holders.

If a teenager causes a car accident, they may be held responsible in certain instances, but Washington state also has a Family Car Doctrine law that can hold a family member responsible. This will be very dependent on each individual case, so it is crucial that you hire an auto accident attorney in Washington to represent you and ensure your rights are upheld.

Contact an Auto Accident Attorney at NBF Accident Law

Are you wondering why teens are more at risk when driving? There are several things that can contribute to teens and car accidents depending on how much they have practiced and whether or not they are distracted while driving or driving under the influence.

At NBF Accident Law, our car accident lawyers will fight purposefully for victims of teenage car accidents, helping them to file a claim and get the compensation they deserve. We will help you every step of the way, including handling all communication with insurance companies so that you don’t accept a low settlement offer.

Contact us today at 206-923-8888 to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys in Washington.