Truck Accident

Dedicated Seattle Truck Accident Attorney Ready to Support Your Recovery

If you have suffered an injury in a truck accident in the Seattle area, we’re here to support your recovery. We will fight hard to secure you the compensation you need to get your life back on track.


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Auto accident injuries can be devastating, but truck accident victims often suffer significant and debilitating injuries that require a lengthy and costly recovery. The sheer size and volume of large trucks can do serious damage to smaller vehicles on the road. If you have suffered an injury in a truck accident in the Seattle area, the dedicated legal team at NBF Accident Law is here to support your recovery. We will fight hard to secure you the compensation you need to get your life back on track.

Determining Fault in Truck Accidents in Washington State

The aftermath of a truck accident can be chaotic. Unfortunately, the process of filing a personal injury claim is more complicated when a large truck or semi is involved, as there are multiple individuals or companies who may be held responsible for causing the accident. It’s natural to wonder whether to pursue a personal injury claim against the truck driver (who may be an independent contractor), the trucking company, the manufacturer of the truck, or another party. Your best move is to contact an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible to assess the specifics of your situation. Together, you can determine the most strategic path forward to securing a fair and favorable settlement.

Steps to Take Following a Trucking Accident in Seattle

Your first concern in the moments after a truck accident is assessing yourself for any injuries. Many truck accident victims require immediate medical attention, so call for an ambulance right away. Even if you don’t believe that your injuries are serious enough to warrant medical treatment, you should still visit your doctor within the next few days. Documenting the nature and extent of your injuries will be crucial in building an effective personal injury claim. While it’s natural to feel overwhelmed by the unanticipated medical bills, lost wages, and other costs stemming from the accident, reaching out to a trusted and compassionate personal injury attorney can give you the reassurance and confidence you need to focus on your recovery.


If you need help seeking compensation following a trucking accident in the Seattle area, call NBF Accident Law Practice Group today at 206-923-8888 to discuss your options.