If My Friend Is the At-Fault Driver in a Car Accident, What Steps Should I Take as a Passenger?

If you are in a scenario where you were a passenger in a car accident and the driver was at fault, you may not know what to do next. This can be especially tricky if the driver at fault is your friend and the accident resulted in injuries. If this is the case, you should still consider filing a claim as a passenger in a car accident to help you cover your damages.

At NBF Accident Law, our auto accident attorneys in Washington can help you navigate the complexities of filing an insurance claim as a passenger in an accident. Our attorneys will work tirelessly to achieve the best possible results so that you get the compensation you deserve.

What Are Your Rights as a Passenger in a Car Accident?

If you are a passenger in a car accident, you should not simply sit back and wait to see what happens next. There are several ways you can receive compensation as a passenger in a car accident if you file a claim. If you have been injured in any way, this is definitely a path you should consider taking to help cover things like medical bills and lost wages.

Washington is a fault state, so you can file a personal injury claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance provider. If the insurance provider refuses to pay for your damages, you can then file a personal injury lawsuit in civil court against the at-fault driver. No matter which route you take, you need to hire an auto accident attorney to represent your case and help you navigate the situation.

This can be a more challenging process if the driver is your friend since you may not want to file a claim against them. Something to keep in mind is that the compensation you will most likely receive will not be coming out of your friend’s pocket unless you sue them directly. If you sustained serious injuries from the accident, it is very likely that your friend will also understand your need to receive compensation to cover these injuries.

Where to Get Compensation After a Car Accident

If you want to file a car accident claim as a passenger, you need to understand where compensation can come from. In many instances, you can pursue compensation from the other driver if they are at fault, but this will look a little different if your driver was the one who caused the accident.

  • Your driver’s insurance: If the person you were riding with was responsible for the accident, you can file a claim with their insurance provider.
  • Both driver’s insurance: In some car accidents, both drivers may be at fault to a certain extent, which means that you can file a claim with both insurance providers.
  • Your auto insurance: Even as a passenger in a car accident, your auto insurance policy may still help you cover some of your expenses if your policy includes things like PIP or MedPay benefits.

What to Do If You Are a Passenger in a Car Accident

When you are a passenger in a car accident and the driver is at fault, this can be an uncomfortable situation. If the driver is your friend, you may feel hesitant to take any steps towards getting compensation for medical bills or lost wages. The reality is that this is often a necessary step that you need to take as a passenger in a car accident since a claim can help you cover damages.

Here are some steps you should take following a car accident where the driver of the vehicle was at fault:

  • Call the police: Most likely, several people will call the police, but it is still a good idea to call them yourself just to ensure that law enforcement is being sent over.
  • Get medical care: Whether you are obviously injured after the accident or not, you should receive medical care from emergency responders. Many serious auto injuries aren’t immediately noticeable, so this is a precautionary measure that will also create paper documentation you can use later on.
  • Create A timeline: If possible, while the events of the accident are still fresh in your mind, create a list of everything that happened leading up to the crash. This can include details about where the crash occurred, how your friend was driving, and what came directly after the accident.
  • Take photos: Try to document evidence by taking photos of any injuries you may have as well as damage to the vehicle and the scene of the collision.
  • Collect information: If you aren’t injured, you can take the additional step of getting the contact information of witnesses who saw how the accident happened. You should also get the insurance information from both of the drivers.

Can a Passenger Be at Fault in a Car Accident?

If you plan on filing a personal injury claim, you should also be aware that in the state of Washington, there are instances where a passenger could be found at fault. This is rare, but it is possible if it is proven that the passenger somehow contributed to the accident or was partially negligent.

Examples of this include if the passenger behaved erratically or tried to take control of the vehicle, which caused the driver to lose control of the vehicle or become distracted. Or to be found partially negligent, you would have to have put yourself willingly into a risky situation, such as getting into the vehicle when you knew the driver was intoxicated.

Contact an Auto Accident Attorney at NBF Accident Law

Are you wondering what happens if you are a passenger in a car accident with your friend? These types of accidents can be difficult to navigate since your friend may be at fault, but you are still entitled to compensation for your damages.

At NBF Accident Law, our car accident lawyers will fight purposefully for victims of car accidents even if you weren’t the one driving. We will assist you in filing your claim, collecting evidence, and communicating with the insurance companies.

Contact us today at 206-923-8888 to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys in Washington.